Local time: 11:24 am
Bulgaria, Sandanski, 2800
+359 896 656169

Wines in our region

 This Bulgarian region includes the southwestern parts of the country. It is not large in size, but it possesses some specific climatic features which are very similar to the Mediterranean regions. Along the valley of the Struma river a unique Bulgarian varietal “Broad Leaved Vine of Melnik” (Shiroka Melnishka) is cultivated for the production of dry and semi-dry wines. Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Pamid varietals are also grown in the area. The local wines are characterized by full taste, with spicy southern tones.



A daily glass of wine might boost antioxidants, increase “good” cholesterol and lower the risk of heart disease.

Our Story

The Struma River Valley region is a wine region in the south-west Bulgaria. The wines from this wine region were long ago internationally recognized and are even mentioned in old chronicles. The story goes that the wines were so dark and thick that when the snow-white skinned wives of the European aristocrats were drinking them, you could see the wine passing through their throats.

The Struma Valley and Melnik wine region possesses some specific characteristics mainly defined through the influence of the largest rivers in the region – Mesta and Struma. The latter flows to the Aegean Sea and gives the area a unique microclimate similar to the one along the Mediterranean. Thus, the Struma Valley and Melnik wine region is characterized with the highest average yearly temperatures in Bulgaria, as well as with diverse soil conditions. Typical for the region are long, hot summers and short and mild winters. These conditions, coupled with the cinnamon-brown and alluvial-diluvial soils explain the predominance of red grape varieties in the region.
The main wine-producing areas in the Struma Valley Wine Region are the towns of Sandanski, Petrich and Melnik. Melnik is the smallest town in Bulgaria and when you walk down its main street and marvel at the 18th-19th century houses, you will discover that most of them are equipped with wine cellars used to this day that go deep into the sandy hills of the town. The region will dazzle you with the unique wines found only in this region, the rich cultural heritage and the diversity of landscapes and nature in the area. Don’t compromise and experience it all!